Saturday 7 February 2015


Councillor Clare Cleary is standing for election on May 7th 2015 and is hopeful of securing a second term in office. Rishton has three Councillors and Clare stands alongside members Harry Grayson and Ken Moss in the Hyndburn Council chamber.

Clare was promoted to the Cabinet in May 2014 and is now portfolio holder for Housing and Regeneration. Since her appointment she has kick-started programmes which will see regeneration along the Rishton section of the canal and also housing along Spring Street. Consultations and reports are due within the next few months.

Cllr Ken Moss said, "We are fully behind Clare in this election. She is an invaluable member for Rishton and we are much stronger as a team with her on board. We each have our own different strengths, for example she has dealt with healthcare problems more effectively than I could have done, so it is better to have diversity and cohesion between ward Councillors. You wouldn't get that dynamic with an opposition Councillor and both Harry and myself urge people to vote for Clare on May 7th."

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