Sunday 8 February 2015


The next meeting of a newly formed group which has come together to discuss the future of Rishton's Christmas celebrations will take place on Wednesday 18th February at 6.30pm in The Roebuck Inn.

The inaugural meeting took place on 22nd January and was attended by the three Rishton Councillors and three representatives of local businesses and opinions. The session took the form of a general discussion about the current funding for Christmas and how things can be taken forward by the public.

Cllr Clare Cleary said, "Council funding for Christmas is being massively scaled down across the whole of Hyndburn and people are understandably saddened by it but we are being forced to rein in all areas of non-essential spending and this is unlikely to change. However, public fundraising specifically for Rishton is a good way to improve things and the Councillors will support this in any way we can."

The meeting on 18th February is open to all so please come along.

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