Thursday, 29 August 2013


August 4th 2014 marks the Centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. The Government has been working on a Centenary programme working on the overarching themes of remembrance, youth and education.

Many local authorities are planning commemorative activities which are specific to the area and the individuals involved. A Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) scheme aims to give local authorities the chance to commemorate residents who were awarded the Victoria Cross during World War I by presenting local councils with commemorative paving stones.

In Hyndburn, there is one registered recipient - Hardy Falconer Parsons of Rishton - who was awarded the medal for his actions on 20th and 21st August 1917 near Epehy in France.

DCLG will be running a competition to get the paving slabs designed and will pay for their production. The local authority will be expected to site and fit the paving stone and the Rishton Councillors will be involved nearer the time.

What is not currently known is the whereabouts of the family of Hardy Parsons so if anyone has any information please could they get in touch with the Rishton Councillors so that the family members can be involved with the installation ceremony.

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