Sunday 17 April 2011


The MP for Hyndburn, Graham Jones, has been working to try to improve housing conditions in Rishton and across the borough and visited on Saturday 16th April.  Rogue landlords are renting out houses with substandard living conditions and Graham is pushing for selective licensing across Hyndburn which would prevent people setting up as home traders without a permit. He will also be in the village on 19th and 20th April to promote Clare Cleary as the next Rishton councillor.

Canvassing ahead of elections continues and several more issues have been raised with Clare Cleary and the councillors which have now been reported to the relevant authorities:
  • Barnmeadow Crescent - erosion of pavement
  • Noble Street - flytipping and drug abuse in back alleyway
  • Ullswater Close - horseriders causing damage to gardens
  • High Street - handrail missing from canal bridge
  • Bridge Street - poor service from Hyndburn Homes

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