Monday 18 April 2011


A meeting of the Cabinet of Hyndburn Borough Council will take place on Tuesday 19th April at 11.00am at Scaitcliffe House which members of the public are able to come and observe.  Among the items on the agenda are a discussion regarding the money that was promised to Rishton by the Leader of the Council, now reduced to £225,000 from £250,000 as funds have been top-sliced for projects elsewhere.  Cllrs Harry Grayson and Ken Moss have submitted the following proposals to be considered immediately:
  • Improving the surface of Walmsley Street to adoption standard
  • Construction of a community centre
  • A new public toilet facility in Rishton centre
  • Improvements to the cricket pavillion
  • Drainage of the Holt Street playing field
Although it is recognised that Holt Street recreation ground needs further children's playing facilities, it will take more money than draining the pitch, building a toilet and re-surfacing Walmsley Street put together so this has been suggested as a project in 2012-2013 instead.  Ken Moss has been speaking to members of Rishton Utd who have stated that the real problem is a lack of training facilities at Norden High School and the poor condition of the Astroturf, something which it is believed is supposedly being maintained by a division of Hyndburn Borough Council.  A meeting with headmaster Bob Flood has been requested to talk through the facts and determine a possible solution to this.

Documents relating to the Cabinet meeting can be found here:

Cabinet - 19th April 2011

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