Monday 11 April 2011


On May 5th there will be local elections taking place to decide who becomes a councillor for each ward and in Rishton Clare Cleary (Labour) is hoping to replace existing councillor Stan Horne (Conservative).  Cllrs Harry Grayson and Ken Moss are not up for election this year as each councillor is given a four year term once they are voted into office.

In addition to the election, there is also a referendum on the way local representatives are elected.  Currently in Great Britain we work on the First Past The Post system which means that the candidate with the largest number of votes wins.  However, the case is being put forward to change to the Alternative Voting system, a description of which can be found here:

Alternative Voting

An online debate is also taking place on local discussion forum Accrington Web:

Accrington Web - Alternative Vote

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