Tuesday 12 April 2011


The Rishton Prospects group have identified two benches in Rishton which are now missing, the first of which was removed from The Turrets public garden during the last Rishton In Bloom festival and never returned.  Rishton Area Council is now investigating where the bench is currently being stored in the hope that it can be reinstated.

Several trees within The Turrets garden have also been identified as unhealthy and marked for removal.  Many of the specimens are of considerable age and diseased, leading to poor displays of foliage and some are even restricting the growth of other trees and shrubs.  The Parks and Open Spaces department of Hyndburn Borough Council have been liaising with Prospects as to what should replace the ones which are to be removed.

The second missing bench is the one which used to be at the corner of Lee Lane and Wilpshire Road and is slightly more perplexing as it was concreted into the ground and has been forcibly removed, something which would not be easy to achieve without mechanical aid.  The bench will have a Prospects badge on it and if anyone has any further information please contact Cllr Ken Moss on 01254 882797 or Great Harwood Police on 01254 353334.

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