Sunday 10 April 2011


Cllrs Harry Grayson and Ken Moss have been looking into various issues this week around Rishton, all of which have now been reported to the relevant authorities.

An enquiry into the parked cars at the top of Walmsley Street has revealed that it is private land and neither Hyndburn Borough Council nor Lancashire County Council can intervene. However, the cars are still legally required to have SORN declarations and a letter has now been written to the DVLA to investigate.

The wall behind The Cabin Surgery has been damaged and is slowly being subjected to further vandalism which has prompted complaints from residents. Hyndburn Borough Council have stated that the section of wall in question it was sold to the NHS in 2002 and is no longer their responsibility and previous informal discussions with Dr Hancock revealed that she would put right the damage if she were found to be liable for it. Cllr Ken Moss subsequently wrote to Dr Hancock at the end of March to explain the situation and request that the wall is rebuilt as soon as is convenient, with thanks for her understanding in the matter.

The Rishton Neighbourhood Action Group have also undertaken a walkabout which has flagged up the following problems:
  • Henry Street - furniture dumped in back alleyway 
  • Well Street - dangerous materials stored on roof 
  • Spring Street - back yard of No 21 piled with rubbish 
  • Spring Street - furniture dumped behind No 92 
  • Bridge Street - rubbish and garden waste in alley
If you have anything you wish the Rishton councillors to look into then please get in touch with Cllr Harry Grayson on 01254 889438, Cllr Ken Moss on 01254 882797 or election candidate Clare Cleary on 01254 605099.

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