Wednesday, 5 May 2010

ELECTIONS - 6th MAY 2010

Thursday 6th May is polling day across the country and this year comprises both the national and local elections.  Ken Moss is standing in Rishton for Labour to fill the seat currently held by Cllr Jennet Liddle, who is standing down as one of the two Conservative representatives.  Cllr Harry Grayson is not up for re-election until 2012.

Local elections decide who will be the new councillor responsible for Rishton and whoever wins will then sit alongside Cllr Harry Grayson (Labour) and Cllr Stan Horne (Conservative).  Rishton is currently controlled by a Conservative majority of two to one.

The national (or 'general') elections also take place at the same time this year and each borough has an MP who represents them in Westminster.  Greg Pope stood down in April after 18 years and the Labour party in Hyndburn is hoping to see Cllr Graham Jones elected to replace him.  Graham is an Accrington man born and bred and his main opposition candidate is Karen Buckley for the Conservatives, who lives in St Annes.

Polling booths are open from 7.00am and close at 10.00pm on Thursday and you do not need your polling card to vote, simply go to the polling station and give your name and address and you will be allowed to vote.  The green ballot sheet shows your local candidates who are hoping to represent Rishton and the white sheet shows the national candidates who represent the main parties in Westminster.  You may vote for a different party in the local elections than the general election if you wish.

If anyone has any queries please call Ken Moss on 07789077816 or 01254 882797.

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