Thursday 22 May 2014


Polling stations across Rishton are now open and residents are now able to vote until 10.00pm tonight. The local Labour candidate is Cllr Ken Moss and the public are asked to choose him again and keep the existing Rishton Councillors (consisting of himself, Clare Cleary and Harry Grayson) together as a team.

Voting day is slightly later this year because ballots are also being cast today for European elections to decide which MEPs will represent us in Brussels and Strasbourg.

Your voter number on your polling card will tell you which station you need to go to, either MA (generally over the bridge), MB (mostly central Rishton) or MC (mainly the top end). Polling stations are at St Charles Church (MC), St Peter and St Paul's Church (MB) and Rishton Free Gardeners Club (MA).

If anyone requires help to get to the polling station please contact Ken on 07789077816.

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