Thursday 27 February 2014


Active discussions have been taking place over the past 12 months regarding the surface of Cut Lane which has now deteriorated considerably. Rudimentary efforts have been made over the years to patch up the more severe potholes but this is not a viable solution and options are now being looked at for long-term remedies.

Cut Lane is unadopted highway, which means that it is not maintained by either Hyndburn Borough Council or Lancashire County Council, although half of it (on the Cutwood Park side) is owned by HBC. The other half is technically owned by the residents themselves but the cost of bringing the road up to adoptive standards is in the region of £80,000. HBC have agreed to fund their half of the cost of bringing the road up to adoption standards if the residents club together and meet the other half but this is widely regarded as being prohibitively expensive.

At a 2013 Rishton Area Council meeting, £5,000 was allocated to address certain unadopted roads and make improvements to the worst affected in the village. Although it is a relatively small amount (full adoption of all unadpted roads in Rishton would total several million pounds) it will go some way to addressing the worst issues.

Cut Lane is the pilot scheme to see what can be achieved with limited funds and it is hoped a workable solution can be found soon.

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