Friday, 26 April 2013


Armed Forces Day will take place on 29th June and is being held in Rishton this year. The event moves between wards on a rotational basis and meetings are taking place to plan for the day, with the first one being held last week. Cllr Ken Moss joined members of the Royal British Legion, the police and the Mayor's office to ensure that things run smoothly.

The Rishton branch of the RBL will lead the parade and the ceremony itself whilst Rishton Area Council have paid for a new flagpole to be installed at the Cenotaph for this and all future remembrance events. It is hoped that a serving Rishton member of the armed forces will be available on the day to raise the standard up the flagpole. 

Cllr Moss also requested that any microphone problems are ironed out prior to the event as this has been a major problem in other wards in previous years, leading to crowds being unable to hear what is being said. 

The Rishton Royal British Legion meet in the Conservative Club on the first Sunday of every month at 2.00pm. They will be holding a ceremony at St Peter and St Paul's Church at 4.00pm on Sunday 5th May to lay a new standard.

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