Saturday 16 February 2013


Concerns have been raised by the Rishton Prospects group and other local residents regarding the cutting back of trees at Norden playing fields. The trees have been felled by United Utilities in order to facilitate the new water pipeline from Martholme going through to Blackburn. This is a very large project and will involve the removal of many trees, some on HBC property and some on private property, including some with Tree Preservation Orders.

The HBC Tree Officer has had extensive meetings with UU to make sure that any removals are kept to an absolute minimum and to ensure that the replacement trees ultimately result in a net gain in tree cover. They have, in addition to their normal obligations, also agreed to donate £8000 to the Hyndburn Tree Wardens' school tree planting project which will see trees planted within 25 schools in the borough and also in Accrington cemetery. 

This project is likely to be publicised in the media sometime this summer once all the paperwork is finalised.

(with thanks to Paul Wilkinson for the photograph)

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