Friday 25 January 2013


Councillor Ken Moss, Chair of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee, invites the residents of Hyndburn to take part in the Council’s budget consultation meeting. The meeting takes place at Scaitcliffe House Accrington on Tuesday, 19th February 2013, starting at 10.00 a.m. Cllr Moss said, “This is an opportunity for our residents and businesses to hear about the Council’s budget issues and to quiz us about the budget for next year.” 

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Miles Parkinson will attend the meeting to answer questions about the budget. He urged people to come along, saying “Your comments and views are important to the Council and we take them into account when reaching a final decision about what you will pay in Council Tax. This meeting will give residents the opportunity to hear about the proposals for Hyndburn’s portion of the Council Tax for 2013/14, and to tell us how you would like your Council Tax to be spent.”

Budget papers will be available from 6th February on the Council’s website at and following the link to the Cabinet meeting on 6th February. If you would like to speak at the meeting, please contact the Scrutiny Officer on (01254) 380128 or email no later than 4pm on the 12th February.

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