Thursday 15 November 2012


Three empty properties on Shuttleworth Street have now been reported to HBC for remedial action to be requested from the owners. The following actions are currently being taken:

  • No 9 - property secured and up for sale, no further action needed for the time being
  • No 11 - owned by Hometrader NW, enforcement action proceeding
  • No 12 - owned by Propertone who are in liquidation, HBC trying to trace the liquidators to proceed with cleanup of the property

The Rishton Councillors and HBC are currently taking a much more aggressive stance on rogue landlords and a systematic review of empty homes is underway within the village. Spring Street remains the worst affected area and is being looked at as a priority but all empty and dilapidated properties will be reported in due course.

Please get in touch with any of the Rishton Councillors if a particular property is spoiling your part of the village.

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