Monday 21 May 2012


The following Rishton-related planning applications have been lodged with Hyndburn Borough Council recently although are not currently scheduled for discussion at Planning Committee:

11/12/0167 - Rishton Methodist School
This relates to the construction of a gazebo

11/12/0181 - 46 High Street
Change of use from Gospel Hall to A1 retail shop and flat

11/12/0187 - 15 High Street
Change of use from All Gas to fish and chip restaurant

The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be at 2.00pm on Wednesday 31st May 2012 at Scaitcliffe House in Accrington. This will be the final Planning Committee of 2011-2012 and the last with Cllr Ken Moss as a member before Cllr Harry Grayson takes over as vice-chair for the 2012-2013 year. The agenda can be found here:

Planning Committee - 23rd May 2012

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