Monday 5 March 2012


Cllr Clare Cleary is leading investigations into a new skate park for Rishton. She has been working with Friends of Rishton Youth for some time and detailed plans of how a new skating area should look have been drawn up by residents Daniel Flynn and Charlie Feeny (pictured). They have also provided background details of construction experts and video footage showing the best layout.

The current skate area at Harwood Road recreation ground is not designed well and is badly in need of reworking in order to address practical problems as well as some safety concerns. Funding is being applied for and Cllr Cleary has been in talks with the new headmaster of Norden High School to discuss the possibility of relocating the park to waste ground by the astroturf pitch which would prevent any disturbance to local residents.

1 comment:

  1. This gets my full support. My son has visited many skate parks and the workout keeps him fit as a fiddle and now he's taken up gymnastics as an extension. We visit cornwall occasionally and there are villages down there that have been trying to approve a skate park for more than 15 years; the kids that started the process have kids of their own now. I hope we don't get it backwards here in lovely Rishton :)
