Wednesday 2 March 2011


The Labour team have started canvassing to promote Clare Cleary as the next Rishton councillor.  Currently, Rishton has two Labour councillors and one Conservative councillor who make up part of the 35 representatives across Hyndburn.  Although Rishton itself has had a Labour majority since May 2010, Hyndburn Council is Conservative-run and has been for 10 of the 11 years since 1999 with precious little spent in our village. 

Harry Grayson and Ken Moss have become an increasingly loud voice in the council chamber, questioning wasteful spending in other wards whilst Rishton has had nothing for years and next week's full council meeting on 9th March will see another raft of questions directed at the Leader of the Council, Peter Britcliffe. In order for things to change, control of the council needs to shift from Conservative to Labour and the May elections are the only opportunity for residents to do that.

The forthcoming local elections have nothing to do with national politics or who gets control of the country, this is purely to decide who looks after Rishton. For years hundreds of thousands of pounds of our taxes have been spent in Cllr Britcliffe's ward of Oswaldtwistle whilst Rishton's own Conservative councillors said nothing in protest and Harry Grayson's minority voice has gone unheeded.

A Conservative vote in Rishton is simply another vote for money to be spent in Oswaldtwistle, please help us to help you by voting Labour in May.

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