Tuesday 1 March 2011


The Rishton councillors went up to the council offices on Monday 28th February to discuss a proposed £250,000 that may be spent in the village, something which was only brought to the attention of Harry Grayson and Ken Moss after reading it in The Accrington Observer.  The Labour councillors put the following ideas on the table as priority items:
  • Walmsley Street - open up the road to the Petre estate
  • School Street - public toilet facilities
  • Spring Street - sort out legal issues with the derelicts
  • Blackburn Road - pelican crossing at Eachill junction
Cllr Grayson also passed comment regarding the lack of a suitably large community centre and the lifting of a caveat at Peel Park industrial estate to enable regeneration to take place and create more jobs for Rishtoners, something which has been held back largely due to opposition from Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Ideas from Cllrs Stan Horne and Peter Clarke centred on improving the facilities at Holt Street recreation ground and new fencing around the field at Norfolk Street.   

Cllr Moss held a meeting with the manager of Parks and Open Spaces in January regarding old iron and barbed wire fencing at Holt Street and requested its removal as it had become unsightly and potentially dangerous.  It was agreed that a simple wooden boundary fence will be erected in due course.  

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