Saturday 31 May 2014


Residents at Norden Court have registered complaints with the local Councillors regarding flytipping in a small storage area adjacent to the Westwood Garage complex.

Cllr Clare Cleary said, "This situation has been ongoing for some time. The site was recently cleared but within hours had bags of rubbish dumped there and is a constant source of antisocial behaviour for residents. The owners need to do something about this, they have a duty of care to the local area."

Resident Margaret Drinkwater said, "The owners need to sort this area out. It doesn't serve any purpose anymore as there is no garage there now, all it is is a dumping ground for people who can't be bothered to get rid of their waste properly. It is also being used as a toilet by people, it's not on for us to have to look at that."

Cllr Cleary has now contacted the relevant authorities to put pressure on Hurstwood (the owners of the complex) to clear the area completely.

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