Wednesday 5 March 2014


The Rishton Pre-School at the Primetime centre on Stourton Street has received a grant to buy new equipment. The group is run by Irene Lowther who was very pleased to receive the money and has expressed thanks to County Cllr Miles Parkinson for arranging it.

She said, "This money will allow us to buy new equipment and bicycles so that children of all ages can play, not just those who are the right age to use what little we had before. Promotion of our group around Rishton has boosted our numbers and we can now remain open so thank you once again."

In 2013, it looked as though the group would close due to dwindling numbers but renewed advertising online and a poster campaign has helped to secure its future. Irene is very pro-active in applying for grant money and has just secured a further £500 for garden work.

She said, "We have received a grant of £500 from Tesco charitable trust to make over a garden area at Primetime and we would appreciate being put in touch we anyone willing to help to clear away some of the existing plants ready to replant in the spring."

Local environmental group Prospects have been notified and it is hoped that a working group can be organised with volunteers very soon. Anyone wishing to contact Irene regarding her Pre-School group should email

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