Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Reports have been coming in from specific areas of Rishton of antisocial behaviour by tenants in Hyndburn Homes. Accusations range from aggressive behaviour and theft to more serious claims and pressure is being put on the Council and police to do something about it.

Cllr Ken Moss has been in touch with Hyndburn Homes to see what can be done to deal with problem residents. A spokesman said, "We are as keen as anyone to whittle out tenants who are causing problems in their neighbourhood. However, we need written statements of antisocial acts and some residents are understandably reluctant to do this for fear of the reprisals."

Cllr Moss said, "Hyndburn Homes are aware of the problems with specific residents and are actively trying to get them sorted, even going to court to secure eviction notices, but they do need hard evidence. I would urge residents to come forward and make statements in order to help sort out their own areas. I am happy to get involved as a mediator for people and be a resident spokesman but public information is vital in getting rid of undesirables."

Contact details for Hyndburn Homes can be found on their webpage:

Hyndburn Homes

Cllr Ken Moss can be contacted on 01254 882797 or 07789077816 or via email on ken.moss@hyndburnbc.gov.uk

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