Sunday 10 February 2013


The following planning applications have been lodged with HBC recently relating to Rishton:

11/13/0038 - Lee Lane & Tottleworth Road
This relates to the removal of hedgerows by United Utilities

11/13/0040 - The Co-operative Store, Harwood Road
This relates to the installation of an ATM

11/13/0046 - 15 Gloucester Road
This relates to the erection of a side extension and dormers

11/13/0047 - Lee Lane
This relates to the creation of temporary vehicular access by United Utilities

11/13/0048 - Wilpshire Road
This relates to the creation of temporary vehicular access by United Utilities

11/13/0049 - Norden High School, Stourton Street
This relates to the installation of 42 solar panels on the roof

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