Monday 28 January 2013


Cllr Ken Moss will be Chair at the first ever joint meeting of the HBC Overview and Scrutiny Committees on Tuesday 29th January. The Resources O&S Committee looks at Council finances and assets to ensure best value for money whilst the Communities and Wellbeing O&S Committee focuses on services and ways to improve the general wellbeing of the borough's residents.

Cllr Clare Cleary will also be in attendance and the meeting will be an opportunity for O&S to question the six members of the Hyndburn Cabinet to ensure that recommendations put forward over the last 12 months have been implemented.

The meeting will start at 10.00am in the Queen Elizabeth Room at Scaitcliffe House on Ormerod Street in Accrington (HBC Offices) and members of the public are welcome to view proceedings from the gallery.

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