Sunday 28 October 2012


Cllrs Ken Moss, Harry Grayson and County Cllr Miles Parkinson (along with members from Great Harwood) were present at Norden High School on Friday 19th October for a Question and Answer session with assembled pupils from various local schools. The hour-long event generated some interesting and challenging questions from the schoolchildren on various subjects including:
  • lack of park equipment
  • graffiti
  • litter
  • lights along the White Path
  • the closure of Great Harwood police station
  • dog fouling
  • under-age serving of alcohol
  • blighted sites in Rishton
The subject of bus fares threw up the most questions and is currently the subject of much scrutiny, although the prize for 'Question of the Day' should be awarded to Megan, who asked why Freddos have doubled in price!

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