Sunday 20 March 2011


An outline planning application to demolish Albert Mill on Mary Street (pictured here in the centre) and build 27 new houses has been approved by Hyndburn Borough Council's Planning committee.  The mill has been disused since 2006 and is now considered to be a brownfield site.  A previous application to build 33 houses in December 2010 was rejected on the grounds that the gardens were too small and the site was not big enough to accommodate that many new homes.

Concerns were raised in writing regarding the increase in traffic and increased noise pollution but this was countered by arguments that returning the mill to commercial use would have the same impact and that the building was now a decaying eyesore that would not improve with time.  Contributions of £10,000 are required from the developers for improvements to the transport system and just over £67,000 for local playing areas.

Although the planning application has now been approved, it may be some time before construction starts due to the current housing climate.  The full reports and planning history can be found on the Hyndburn Council website:

Albert Mill 11/11/0017

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