Sunday 6 February 2011


Cllr Ken Moss has been contacted by Shelter, the housing and homelessness charity, to request help in exposing rogue landlords in Rishton.  A large number of terraced homes in the village are rented properties although poor maintenance by landlords is increasingly becoming a problem, the photograph above showing the inside of a Rishton house managed by Conrad Walker who are based in Great Harwood.  Following a burst in November 2009 the ceiling collapsed in the house in Derby Street, devastating the dining room and kitchen and leaving the family concerned without hot water over the Christmas period.  Despite repeated calls for help, the property was left unrepaired for three months until intervention by the councillors and MP.

There is currently a lot of work being done in this area by Graham Jones MP, who appeared on BBC Breakfast News to talk about the problems in Hyndburn on 5th February.  To see a clip showing a statement from Shelter follow the link below:

There are several good landlords who are based in Rishton and the problem appears to lie mainly with companies based in Manchester and beyond but if you would like to expose a poor housing company then please get in touch with either Ken Moss or Harry Grayson on 01254 882797 or 01254 889438.

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