Friday 4 February 2011


Ken Moss and Rishton historian Paul Wilkinson have started work on cataloguing reels of home movie film recorded in the 1960s and 1970s and showing scenes from around the village.  Various short sequences have been found including the local ice cream vendor, the skyline including chinmey stacks and even an old Accrington Stanley football match.  By far the most valuable recording is of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II when she visited Rishton in 1968 and the intention is to include it as part of a public presentation of films during the Jubilee celebrations in 2012.

More reels of film have recently been unearthed from Paul's family collection, with Ken handling digital transfer and restoration of the prints.  If anyone has any footage of Rishton from before 1980 and is willing to lend it to the village archive then it will be transferred to DVD for free when the original films are returned.

Please contact Cllr Ken Moss on 01254 882797 or 07789077816 if you have any information. Alternatively e-mail or visit the Rishton Website from the list of links on this page.

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