Wednesday 9 February 2011


As the result of a vote at the Rishton Council meeting on 9th November 2010, a new lighting column has been installed on the footpath connecting Eachill Gardens and Petre Crescent.  This area has been highlighted as an area of concern on dark evenings for some time as well as a problem spot for dog fouling which is the reason behind residents requesting the new street lamp.

Following the local elections in May 2010, Harry Grayson and Ken Moss looked at the list of outstanding requests to Rishton Area Council and decided to put each of them to an immediate vote at the next meeting on 8th July.  The lighting column, a seating bench at the Ladybird Garden and several litter and dog waste bins had been on the agenda for some time but delayed due to the £5,400 required for the 'Signs of Life' project started by outgoing Cllr Liddle.  These have now all been approved and a report on their installation will be presented to the councillors at a progress meeting on 9th February.

A request made at the last Rishton Council meeting for 'No Horses' signs around the village was rejected outright on the basis that they would be ignored and the cost of £800 could not be justified.  Cllr Moss then suggested that a physical deterrent such as kissing gates at entrances to footpaths being used as bridleways would be more effective and a costing report is being prepared for the next public meeting on 15th March.

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