Thursday, 21 October 2010


An increasing number of residents are complaining to the councillors about the regular shooting of wild Canadian geese along Cut Lane and this is now being investigated. The main neighbourhoods affected are Cut Lane, Grasmere Close and Ullswater Close but shots can clearly be heard as far away as central Rishton during regular shoots on Wednesdays and weekend mornings between 7am and 11am.  Other concerns have been raised about the proximity to Cutwood Park and also animal welfare as dogs are being frightened my the gunshots and local fishermen are being affected too.

Environmental officers are consulting with police regarding the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to see if wild birds can legally be shot in the area as a spokesperson from the Dunkenhalgh Estate has confirmed that no licences have been issued that enable shooting beyond reasonable vermin control.


  1. why would somebody want to shoot geese?

  2. It is seemingly just for the fun of it under the pretence of vermin control. An organised cull is one thing but this has been going on for quite some time now and looks as if there is an element of profit involved. The investigation should sort the matter out one way or another quite soon.
