Wednesday, 19 December 2012


The Environment Agency is planning to carry out some essential maintenance works to Spaw Brook where it flows through a culvert (underground pipe). This will involve undertaking works within the culvert to repair sections which are showing signs of damage or deterioration to ensure its continued performance and effectiveness. 

The works will take place along various sections of the culvert between its inlet at Howard Street and its outlet at Talbot Street. Due to the size of the culvert it will not be possible to undertake the repairs needed from within the culvert. Therefore the works will be undertaken from different manhole access points along the length of the culvert.

A CCTV survey within the culvert showed that various sections of the culvert are dilapidated and damaged. We intend to undertake works to repair these damaged sections. We are working closely with Lancashire County Council who are aware of our proposals.

The works are scheduled to begin in earnest on Monday 26th November 2012 and will last for approximately 10 weeks. This is subject to weather which may increase the duration of the works. You may have already noticed us undertaking some initial survey and investigation works in the area.

Culverts are difficult to maintain due to the restrictions and constraints involved with accessing and inspecting them. Over the course of time culverts can become damaged which could lead to a collapse. If the Spaw Brook Culvert were to become blocked it could result in flooding of local properties, businesses and transport routes in Rishton. By repairing the culvert we are greatly reducing the risk of flooding. It will also significantly reduce on-going river maintenance costs.

By undertaking these works we are increasing the expected life span of the culvert as well as ensuring its continued performance. These works are not increasing the capacity of the culvert, so flooding is still possible. However by repairing the culvert we are greatly reducing the likelihood that the culvert will suffer blockage or failure, meaning that it will continue to provide the same level of flood protection to people, properties and businesses in Rishton.

To find out if you are at risk of flooding, and what to do if you are, log on to or call 0845 988 1188 

If you would like more information about the work being carried out, please contact Thomas Coon on 01925 542956 or email

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