Tuesday, 30 March 2010


A new Rishton First Facebook site has been created for anyone who wishes to have discussions or ask questions in a public forum.  Anyone can post messages or comments and residents are invited to promote their own events and community activities:

Facebook - Rishton First

Another excellent local forum is Accrington Web which covers broader issues across the whole of Hyndburn:

Accrington Web


Paul Wilkinson long ago set up a Rishton website which is the definitive online guide to our town and is updated regularly. The site covers all aspects of the village and its history and is well worth a look:

Rishton Website

Paul has also recently added a Rishton Calendar which is open to all residents to add their own events and promote forthcoming activities:

Rishton Calendar

Sunday, 28 March 2010


The Labour group were out canvassing in Rishton again on Saturday to promote Graham Jones and Ken Moss. Again, several issues were raised by residents which are now in the process of being addressed:

• Petre Crescent – unsightly empty rental property with decaying waste

• Station Road – some of the new speed humps have not been laid properly

• Cedar Close – grass on embankment is only cut once per year

Friday, 26 March 2010


Saturday 20th March saw Ken Moss and Cllr Harry Grayson canvassing in rather damp conditions, resulting in a midday pit-stop at The Centre in Rishton. A special coffee morning is held there twice-yearly to raise funds for the upkeep of The Centre, which is owned by the residents. An Easter theme was running throughout the day and Ken Moss was asked to judge a bonnet competition. Cllr Grayson got into the spirit of things by donning a hat and joining the parade! The event raised a total of £382 for The Centre.

Ken Moss and Harry Grayson are canvassing daily in Rishton, with some occasional much-valued assistance from Graham Jones and members of the Labour group. Several issues have been raised around the village while canvassing and these have now been reported to the relevant departments:

Westwood Avenue – severely cracked paving slabs and lack of litter-picking

Church Street – double-yellow lines required at top of street

Spring Street – overhanging planks from roof of derelict terraced house

Grasmere Close – speed humps requested

Ullswater Close – problems with game hunters shooting Canadian geese

Ullswater Close – horse fouling from improper use of footpath as a bridleway

Other queries have also now been answered, including eight requests for postal vote forms and confusion over the tax-banding of a house on Westwood Avenue.

All residents in Rishton are invited to get in touch if they require help or advice by contacting Ken Moss on 01254 882797 or Councillor Harry Grayson on 01254 889438.


Several issues have been reported to Ken Moss while out canvassing and these have now been reported to the council for further attention:

Spring Street – fly-tipping and general litter

High Street – decaying food waste in backyard of disused shop

Hermitage Street – non-functioning speed cameras

Rishton Library – use of Facebook by under-13s and unruly behaviour

A further report was made by a resident regarding unfit conditions at a rented house on Derby Street. Several legal avenues have already been explored to try and resolve the situation but conditions at the house remain uninhabitable in two major rooms after three months of negotiations. A letter has now been drafted on behalf of the tenants and will be sent to the office of Greg Pope MP for consideration. Advice was also given regarding the various reputable landlords who operate in Rishton to try and find alternative accommodation.


Ken Moss has started canvassing in Rishton (with support from Councillor Harry Grayson) and has received a reassuringly warm reception from 90% of the constituents seen so far.

Initial fears of an anti-Labour backlash were soon dispelled and many residents were unaware that there were two other councillors in the ward. In contrast, Councillor Grayson is seen as the face of Rishton and has been widely praised for his work around the village.
Graham Jones and Miles Parkinson are set to begin their Parliamentary canvass in Rishton within the next ten days.


Councillor Harry Grayson and Ken Moss have recorded various small problems in Rishton and reports have been sent to the relevant departments within the council. Among the issues noted were cracked and uneven paving slabs along Burton Street and broken glass and builders’ rubble along a section of derelict houses on Spring Street. Widening potholes on Bridge Street and Cliff Street have also been reported.

Ken Moss also spent several hours at Rishton railway station on Saturday 6th March clearing rubbish and weeding the area behind the Accrington platform. Other members of the Prospects team, consisting of Colin Cooper, Fiona Cook and John and Margaret Worden, transformed a grass verge into a beautiful shrubbery in just under two hours using plants that had been rescued from a skip!

Anyone interested in getting involved with Prospects can call Ken Moss on 01254 882797. The voluntary group is open to all residents with an interest in the Rishton environment and meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.00pm at Primetime on Stourton Street.


Saturday 27th February 2010 saw the new clock at the corner of Parker Street dedicated to Colin Cooper, one of Rishton’s most prominent residents. Colin has been instrumental in several projects around the village for many years and is still a major part of the Rishton Prospects group. His work has helped get funding and organise work parties for improvements at places such as the railway station and Cutwood Park, along with numerous other places around the village.

‘Me and my wife moved to Rishton in 1967 with the intention of only staying for a short while but after 43 years I’m wondering if I can now be classed as being a Rishtoner?’ joked Colin, as he made his acceptance speech. The clock was officially dedicated to Colin by the Mayor of Hyndburn at 11.00am and a plaque was affixed to the column to mark the occasion.

Rishton Prospects group is concerned with maintaining the aesthetics of the village and highlighting any problem areas that may need dealing with. Monthly meetings are held at Norden School on Stourton Street and all residents are welcome. The next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd March at 7.00pm in the meeting room and anyone who wants further information can contact Ken Moss on 01254 882797 or 07789077816.


Saturday 20th February saw Cllr Harry Grayson and Labour candidate Ken Moss take their monthly walkabout in Rishton to identify any problems which need reporting to the council.

The following issues were recorded and e-mails have now been sent to all the relevant departments:

• Burton Street – blight spot and water wastage
• Edward Street – fly-tipping
• Henry Street – parking lines required at entrance to courtyard
• Hermitage Street – 62, 72 & 74 all derelict and in need of repair
• Hermitage Street – 51-57 under repair but progress stalled
• Hermitage Street – bus shelters required at the two James Street stops
• Hermitage Street – blight spot in back alleyway
• Mary Street – blight spot and fly-tipping
• Parker Street – 20mph zone requested and letters to industrial units regarding speed of delivery lorries in a residential area
• Blackburn Road – dry stone walling in need of repair at reservoir
• Howard Street – skate park not fit for use, needs restructuring
• Talbot Street – blight spot and fly-tipping
• Wheatfield Street – blight spot and unsafe wall in alleyway

Notes were also taken about the state of Piggy Park and the green area behind St Albans Road plus the unadopted road behind Holt Street recreation ground. There was also a discussion with the owner of 95 Hermitage Street regarding the state of repair of the old shop frontage and he was advised of the assistance available from council departments.

If anyone has any queries or would like to bring a matter to the attention of the council please contact:

Ken Moss BA/BSc (Hons)
9 Bridge Street
01254 882797

Councillor Harry Grayson
19 Oak Close
01254 889438